Saturday, March 21, 2020

John H. Golden Stops Thieves

A recent subscription to has provided lots of entertainment as of late.  I will probably be posting lots of clipped articles, with commentary, in the coming months.  This article was printed in The Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, Montana) on 15 May 1896.  The subject of the article is John Henry Golden, my great-grandfather (my mother's father's father). He was 23 years old at the time, single, and living with his sister, Winnie Dolan and her family at 511 Cherry St., Anaconda.
(Here is another post about the house.) He worked as a clerk for "Joseph Peters, clothing, boots, shoes, gents' furnished goods, hats, caps, gloves, underwear, etc. 24 Main".  I have interpreted "vag" as being short for "vagrant".  Enjoy!