I wanted to share some photos I scanned on one of my visits with Gloria Perch Attoian almost a year ago. This first picture we believe is Susie Keshishian Zaillian, aka "Susie-Mama". Can anyone else verify that information? I wonder where and when this photo was taken. Maybe in Turkey, or upon her arrival in the U.S.? Notice she has some reading material in hand, and a watch (?) pinned to her dress. Does anyone know Susie's Armenian first name?

We think this picture is of Hosanna Tutunjian Zaillian's mother, based of some group photos that Gloria had of Hosanna's family. Gloria had thought this was the picture of Susie-Mama. Isn't it interesting that she is posed writing on a tablet? Maybe she was a teacher?

Here is Nishan (George) Zaillian as a young man, he was Susie's oldest of the three boys, Nish, Maron and Yesneak.

This is Mae Zaillian Perch, Nishan's second child and Gloria's mother.

Another photo of Mae. I can see Gloria in this photo.

Nish and Hosanna Tutunjian Zaillian. According to the 1930 census record, they were married in 1907. He was 20 and she was 15.

Maron and Rose Shishmanian Zaillian. They were married in 1911; He was 22, she was 19. Rose was my grandmother Dorothy Basmajian Paloutzian's first cousin, and Maron was her first cousin, once removed (first cousin to my great-grandfather Dikran Basmajian, Dorothy's father). Maron and Rose's daughters Violet and Zabel also married Paloutzians, my grandfather Ed's brothers, Roy and Vern.

Nishan George Zaillian